Art by Polish - American artist Gregory Gustaw

Gregory Gustaw
As versatile artist Greg works with a mix of materials and artistic techniques, from stone and clay in sculpture to a multitude of drawing and painting techniques and hi -tech digital creations.
From big to small forms, from utilitarian design to pure abstraction, from outdoor monuments to graphic novel he expresses his unique style.
Strong and strikingly impressive style, usually focused on human subjects and inspired by events and emotions like his most famous series of sculptures "Never Forget" created after September 11th (one of them presented to The White House
by Congressman Greenwood).
As a competitive natural bodybuilder
(Mr.Poland and World Champion in natural bodybuilding)
Greg presents his passion and great knowledge of human anatomy in his Art. He created variety of sculptures - later used as a Trophies on many Sport Competitions all over the World.
Born and raised in Poland, Greg have a Masters in Fine Art
Education and Diploma in Sculpture from Maria
Sklodowska - Curie Univeristy in Lublin
(very old and artistic city in South - East part of Poland)
The original samples of his Art may be seen in a few public places in the United States like:
Philadelphia police 26th district building featuring mural dedicated for fallen police officers (Girard Street)
Cityscapes collection ("1518 Bar&Grill", 1518 Sansom street )
Museum at the shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
(Doylestown, Pennsylvania) "Never forget" collection
C.K. Norwid commemorative plaque at the"PIASA" building
(Polish institute of Arts and Sciences, 208 E.30th street, Manhattan, New York.)
In recognition of his Art, Greg was honored by a letter from
President G.W. Bush and by being given the status of United States citizen.
He lives and works in Philadelphia.

Greg presenting his artwork to Brian Dawkins from Philadelphia Eagles (member of Football Hall of Fame)
Greg works on Mural for Philadelphia Police

For Greg Bodybuilding is a form of Art - sculpture in motion

"Never Forget" September 11th Commemorative plaque
Artist Greg Gustaw holds his sculpture, while Congressman J.Greenwood presents it to J.Schmider director of Bucks county Emergency services
About Artist:
Trophies created by Greg for "Sculpture concepts" Inc.

Author with C.K. Norwid commemorative plaque at the
"Polish institute of Arts and Sciences" building, New York.

Greg working on sculpture during "Polish Heritage" Day (Newark Int. Airport, October 2014)

Greg working on a sculpture at the "Art at the Arnold" contest
Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports festival Columbus, Ohio 2015
Greg is available for commissions
Preferred way of contact is by email:
greggustaw@yahoo.com, phone: 267 266 0096